We’ve Got Something NEW To Celebrate

We are beaming with excitement, today we reveal to the world our brand refresh. What do you think? Obliviously you’ve had a look around, because you’re here reading this post. Come on, give us your opinion. Things are different in our world now, we have a new logo, brand colors and services. This refresh has been in the works for a few months and long over due. Curious to know why we did a refresh, here are the three reason why:

1. Let’s be honest, a lot of things have changed in 10 years…it was just time
2. People always pronounced our company name Vagency,(va-gen-cy), our old logo was so confusing.
3. Our clients asked for it, seriously they did. We often hear after an event, how our clients didn’t expect the event experience and level of service we provided during the event. This continuous feedback resonated and our brand refresh reflects what to expect.

We hope you love the refresh as much as we do. Show us some love, leave a comment and help us share our new look by sharing our website link with your network. Thank you so much!

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